What type of salsa do you teach?

We teach LA style, linear salsa in partner dance. In the last 30 minutes of our salsa classes, we do Cuban rueda where we all dance together!

When and where are the classes?

Classes are held on weekday evenings. Salsa classes are generally held on Monday and Thursdays evenings from 19:00 to 20:30, and Bachata classes on Tuesday starting at either 19:00 or 20:00. However, the schedule can change from month to month, so please read the sign up form carefully.

The location is usually in F101 and F102 in the Väre building on Aalto Campus. The building is connected to ABloc and the Aalto metro exit, so you should be able to find it fairly easily. Should the room change, we’ll make sure to communicate that in the telegram group. Ask one of the teachers if you are struggling to find your way.

Where is the class sign up?

The sign-up form will be sent to the email addresses of all the registered members. It is usually sent in the last week of our 4 week class cycles, usually on the Sunday or Monday. The cycles tend to align with calendar months, so stay alert around the last week of the month.

Do I need to have previous experience?

You do not need to have previous experience! We offer classes for all levels, even if you’ve never tried out a partner dance.

Can I sign up for any level I want or do I need approval?

For previous participants we always recommend to repeat a given cycle until you feel fully comfortable, before continuing to the next cycle. This is completely normal, as we keep cycles fairly short and learning takes time and practice. You may ask your teacher for advice if unsure.

Newcomers without previous experience should start from the first level. If you have experience from elsewhere, please contact one of the instructors on Telegram or through the association email.

I missed the deadline to sign up… what now?

If you miss the deadline, you can still sign up with lower priority. This way you can get in if a class still has some spots left. Otherwise you will have to wait until the next cycle to sign up again.

Are the classes for free?

Classes are free, but we require a membership of 8€ for AYY members and 12€ for non-members per year to join the classes.

How much is the membership?

The membership is 8€ for AYY members and 12€ for non-members.

Do I need a partner to sign up?

No, sign ups are always individual. In our classes, we rotate partners and we recommend everyone to participate. Dancing with multiple partners helps you develop faster and promotes the social aspect of our classes.

Can I still sign up with my partner if I want to?

You and your partner have to sign up individually, as the form does not support partner signups. In case only one of you gets accepted, you can choose to opt out of the cycle and both of you will get priority for the next cycle.

What is the dress code? Do I need dancing shoes?

We do not have a dress code. However, we do ask you to dress appropriately for others and maintain good personal hygiene. Dancing shoes are not required, but may bring them if you like. Keep in mind that heavy winter boots can feel uncomfortable to dance in and will dirty the floor, so bringing a second pair won’t hurt.

Who are the teachers?

Our teachers vary from class to class. You’ll find them in the Telegram group with the label ‘Instructor’. Feel free to contact any one of them with your questions!

What are the social dances like?

During our social dances we have great music, great vibes and, if you’re lucky, some great edible salsa as well ;)

We will have a mix of Salsa and Bachata songs, but don’t be intimidated if you don’t know both styles. Someone might teach you the basics! The events are held on Aalto campus and are open to everyone. Bring your friend or partner if you like!

Who do I contact for further questions?

If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at aaltosalsasociety@gmail.com or contact one of the teachers with the ‘Instructor’ label in the Telegram group. Bachata specific questions can go to the teacher @danielc_1.